This I know: there is so much beauty contained within this Earth and it makes itself available to us for our own healing and connection. The stones are the bones of Mother Earth. She offers them to us to use for reconnection, balance, and restoration. Spirit Dancer was born from a love of this beauty, and a deep desire to share and distribute this understanding throughout the world.
Spirit Dancer Crystals aren’t chosen just because they’re a pretty face. Our stones are the worker bee stones of Mother Earth—the ones that are calling to be used by you, day in and day out.
While it’s very common in the crystal and gem world to shop mass-produced stones of varying quality (you know this is what you’re seeing when you buy a bulk bag of polished rocks or see a “fill a bag” display at your local store), Bob and I travel to the largest crystal and gem shows around the country, and the world, to handpick our stones based on their PURE energy and healing potential.
Every stone is beautiful on the outside, and we also believe that what’s on the inside counts, too.
Stones are fabulous collectors and conduits of energy. If you’ve spent any time working with crystals, you know that they quickly become attuned to your own personal energy. You may even have spent time clearing the energy of stones that don’t feel so great to hold—some say that they feel pain when holding a stone or even get a general “bad feeling,” even though they have the potential to be amazing healing and manifestation tools.
When shopping for stones, I travel deep into the crystal matrix of each stone to examine it from its energetic core. I dance with it, communicate with it, and ask it what and who it’s for.
The result? A highly curated collection of only the highest vibration stones that are ready for use from the moment they arrive in your mailbox. You can literally FEEL the energy and vibration of these stones just by looking at them, even on a computer screen.
While other stores may be where the collectors go, Spirit Dancer Crystals is where the healers and magical people go to embody the crystals’ energies.
I’m the founder and your personal spiritual guide here at Spirit Dancer Crystals. I love traveling to gem shows around the world to choose stones that I know will help you make big shifts in your life.
For many years, I tried to fit into what others would call “normal.” I tried to fit myself into a world that was obsessed with maintaining the status quo. There was always a feeling that there was more to living than that.
My turning point came after a very emotionally painful event where someone special left the planet. It hurt. I I knew I had to find a way to get away from that pain and to heal.
What happened next was a series of events that led me to a psychic who told me that I am a lightworker. I felt the lightning go through my hands as she held them. I didn’t even know what a lightworker was! But I knew that there was something there.
Fast forward six months and I found myself in Peru learning from the medicine people: studying shamanic healing, learning how to connect with the unseen world—connecting in with your guides for your highest good, and communicating with the elements and learning how they can heal you. What always spoke to me most was the healing power that the earth, through its crystals and minerals, offered. And that’s how it all began.
I love helping others on their spiritual path, and on their path to healing. I do this by teaching workshops both online and in person, including in exotic places like Ecuador and Peru, through my community Women’s Circles, one-on-one healing and journeying sessions, and through my highly curated Crystal Shop. And of course, I absolutely LOVE helping others learn how to choose their stones and how to work with them!

Over the years I have studied with a number of powerful healers who have deepened my connection with the stones, as well as my knowledge of shamanic and other indigenous healing traditions.
- Apprenticeships with Susan Lipshutz, LCSW and Dr. Tom Voitas in Chicago, as well as assisting them for many years with their teachings and workshops in Peruvian Shamanic studies.
- Studied for many years with Peruvian maestro curandero Oscar Miro Quesada—a master at moving energy—who taught me the MAGIC.
- Spent many months in the jungles of Peru studying with medicine men of the Capanahua and Shipibo tribes, and with the medicine women in Chile studying the feminine-based traditions of the Mapuche people.
- Completed training with the 4 Winds Academy in Cincinnati in Crystal Healing and Crystal Surgery Techniques I, II, and III, which taught me the deeper techniques of healing the body, mind, and spirit with the crystals.
- Additionally, I’m a Reiki Master, and I’ve extensively studied Sound Healing with Jonathan Goldman and Vickie Dodds. I’ve also studied Metaphysics with Jennifer Hough.