
by | Apr 30, 2013 | Crystal Musings, Uncategorized

DiopsideChrome diopside is yet another one of the stunning green minerals offered to us by Pachamama (Mother Earth).  It took me awhile to begin to hear and feel the energy of this stone.  The word heart was all I could hear as I sat at my mesa and listened deeply.  As with all things of the Earth right at the moment, it is re-purposing itself and evolving into that which can be in resonance with fifth dimensional energy.  In this transition time it is important to be patient, to remember not to reference old energy or information any more than absolutely necessary.

As I sat, the diopside found its way onto my throat chakra and once there, began to open it like a vortex, front to back.  It felt as if I could finally take a deep breath after the last few months and just relax into the present moment.

I held the stone for a little longer on my throat, and I could feel deep truths surfacing from my heart space.  The energy and courage to look at my own truth, to observe (without attachmant or trying to “fix” anything), and to accept the place I am in right now, was the message.  To speak from that heart space without fear is one of the gifts of this stone.  It opens the channel from heart to voice, and takes away any resistance to speaking from a place of truth.

As I sit in a place of calm acceptance, the stone hot in my hand, I am looking forward to working more with this diopside.  I sense that I have only scratched the surface of what can be done with it.

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