Magical Delights rings are one-of-a-kind. They are made with sterling silver, 14 ct. gold fill on sterling or a combination of both. Stones are gemstones. Rings are adjustable to within 2-3 sizes, and are small, medium or large.
This ring is silver with a dragonfly embellishment. The stone is Seraphinite.
Seraphinite is an excellent stone to calm and balance the central nervous system. A good way to do this is to roll the stone lightly over the body to reduce agitation and relieve symptoms of shock and trauma. Wherever tension is held in the body, the seraphinite will help muscles relax, and induce a more measured energy flow throughout the body.
This healing stone can also be used to clear and balance the 3rd eye and crown chakras, leaving the mind clear and calm.
Seraphinite brings awareness to those areas of the body—mental, physical, emotional or spiritual—that you may not be in touch with. For example, someone who is always “in their head” may need to connect with their physical body more deeply. This stone assists in bringing that to awareness.