Tangerine Quartz

by | Aug 7, 2013 | Crystal Musings, Uncategorized


There are certain stones that are old favorites for a reason – their healing abilities are strong, clear and powerful.  One of these stones is Tangerine Quartz. It is my favorite stone to use when I am stuck creatively and need to remember my creative genius.

Tangerine Quartz Clears the 2nd Chakra

Tangerine Quartz is a staple in my healing tool kit.  I use it all the time for clearing and energizing the second chakra.  This is a place where fear is held for many people.  The second chakra is a place of old wounds which, if not cleared, can hinder us from leading the full creative lives we were born to live.

This quartz also clears the etheric field of debris, such as negative energy or thought patterns, and many of the “shoulds” that are placed on us by ourselves and others.

When using tangerine quartz for second chakra work, simply place it on the chakra and allow it to clear and regenerate the energy of this place on your body.  If old fears or emotions come up during this time, realize that they are moving through to clear, and they can pass without any attachment on your part.  (Obviously, if there is deep trauma, this should be done with a trained healer or therapist.)

To clear the etheric field, you will need another person to work with you.  This technique is best done lying down.  Have the second person visualize a transparent piece of graph paper over the body, and begin to move the crystal in a grid-like pattern through your energy field 2 – 4 inches from your body.  If done correctly, you will feel an energizing and regenerative energy.  The person holding the crystal will feel a slight pulling or tugging when the crystal is moving at the correct distance from the body.

Tangerine quartz has a very calming effect as well as being deeply restorative.  If used on a regular basis, it can re-connect you with the joy of being a fully creative and expressive being, while staying firmly connected to your physical body.  When you use this stone, you will need to clear it on a regular basis.  This can be done by many different ways, but running it under cold water is one good way. See Clearing Crystals in Crystal Musings


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