Bumble Bee Jasper Palm Stones (ja14)
Size: Approx. 1″ x 1″
Weight: Approx 10 grams
Physical and Emotional Healing
In stock
Simply put jasper is an opaque, fine-grained, microcrystalline quartz (chalcedony) with lots of various included minerals. Depending on the added minerals, jasper can be almost any color.
I like to think of jaspers as little paintings from the Earth.
Jasper is great for grounding, physical healing, and fertility. With this stone, the color will indicate where a particular jasper will work best.
Some of the jaspers included for sale in this category are: Mookaite Jasper, Ocean Jasper, Pinolith Jasper, Bumble Bee Jasper.
I am including this in the jasper category because it is commonly know by this name. In actuality it is calcium carbonate with sulfur and arsenic inclusions among others. Although it is beautiful, it is a stone you want to be careful of, and always wash your hands after working with it. There are amazing healing properties, but care must be taken.
Great stone for abdominal health and for clearing emotional issues that seem stuck and almost impossible to clear.
Cost is per stone, Spirit Dancer will choose one for you.