Turquoise (tur6)


Size: 2″ x 1.25″ x .75″

Finding & Living Your Truth

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I could never understand what all the fuss was about over turquoise until I held these stones. Now I am definitely a convert.

Turquoise is a stone that helps you to remember the things you have forgotten. Not the everyday “normal” things, but the fact that you are an aspect of the Divine.

It helps you to know your heart and to speak the truth of what is inside of you without fear or resistance.

Turquoise is a stone that helps you to find where you need to be or go, and at the same time to realize that you are already and always where you need to be. It is about owning who and where you are in every moment.

It would work really well with rubies in a grid for self-actualization and embodiment.

Welcome to Spirit Dancer Crystals, A highly curated collection of crystals that activate your clarity, confidence, & healing.


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