The Elemental Feminine: Wind, Stars and Within

by | Feb 6, 2017 | Uncategorized

The Elemental Feminine: Wind Stars and Within

Join Lois Remeikis and Jean Tindle on Friday March 31, 2017 to Sunday April 2, 2017 for our second workshop, The Elemental Feminine: Wind, Stars and Within, for a deeper experience of the ñustas. You do not need to have attended the first deep dive in the fall to come to this workshop. This retreat will be held at House in the Wood, Delavan, WI.  This is a magical space where nature can speak more clearly to us. For those of you who haven’t been here yet, prepare for a beautiful experience in the natural world.

In this retreat we will connect with the powerful Ñustas, Maria Sakapana, Huana Waman Tiklla, and Tomasa Waman Tiklla on a deeper level. These are the final three aspects of the divine feminine energies in Peru. We will also explore the powerful connection to the Seven Sisters, our Pleiadian guides to the stars.

Bring your inner Goddess, and prepare for her to dance you deeper into the shamanic nature of your Being.

We will provide further details of what to bring and how to prepare closer to the date of the retreat. I hope you can join us on this further opening of the Divine Feminine energy within ourselves and on the planet. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lois at or Jean at

The Details:

Date:          Friday, March 31, 2017 to Sunday April 2, 2017

Time:          7 pm Friday to 2 pm Sunday

Place:          House in the Woods, Delavan, WI

Cost:           $425.00 until 2/28/17 and $475.00 after 2/28/17

Cost includes workshop, lodging, and meals Saturday through Sunday lunch.

To sign up for this workshop send payment to Jean Tindle, 813 Sauk Ridge Trail, Madison, WI 53717. If you want to pay by credit card, give Jean a call at 312-497-0767 or click the button below. If you have any questions, email Jean at or Lois at Further details will be provided at sign up.


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