Indonesian Jasper: Stone of Heart Opening

by | Sep 20, 2018 | Crystal Musings, Front Page, Stone Stories

I just found this Indonesian Jasper at the Denver Gem and Mineral show. Although I know and love jasper, this one was new to me.

It is a lovely green and red/pink color and I immediately felt its heart energy.

When I sat down to listen to the stone I heard this first. This stone will ground in a completely open heart. I will allow hearts to stay open and protected at the same time.

Here are some “direct quotes” from the stone:

  • I will watch over you as you spread unconditional love throughout the planet.
  • I will be there when you need a loving place to land and gather yourself to yourself.
  • I can remind you that the Great Mother is always there to sustain and replenish you when you are tired and overwhelmed.
  • I am here to help you rest when you need it.

There is a softness that is emerging that may not be seen or obvious. It is the gradual (or sometimes not so gradual) opening of all hearts. This feeling may be unfamiliar to many and sometimes even frightening. This stone is here to remind you that this heart softening is a natural state of being.

When you reach thia state, relax into it and the evidence of the true shift in the energies of the planet/Universe will begin to appear all around you.

Use this jasper as a touchstone for unconditional love. Give it to others as a token of this love.

Here are some other ways to use this stone:

  • Jasper is naturally grounding, so it can be used when you are feeling scattered and unfocused.
  • It is a very healing stone physically, so this particular jasper can be used on the physical heart as an addition to other therapies.]
  • It a a gentle energy, so can be used really well with children.
  • In a grid, it can be used to successfully ground the energy of unconditional love onto the planet.

Below are some of the stones available on this site right now:

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